What We Do
Assisting officers of all statewide law enforcement agencies and their families so that they can focus on providing top-notch public safety services. Our programs include Officer Family Assistance, Safety Equipment, Research & Training, Officer Wellness, Youth Outreach, and Historic Preservation.
Officer Wellness Program
The Foundation provides support to officers and/or family members to promote and encourage their physical and mental well-being.
Learn moreFamily Assistance Program
The Foundation sets aside a fund to assist an officer and/or his family in times of need. Such as the death of an officer and subsequent...
Learn moreHistoric Preservation
The Foundation takes action to protect, restore, and preserve the unique history of Nevada State peace officers.
Learn moreTraining
The Foundation raises the required monies to sponsor and facilitate training to ensure that Nevada police officers will be equipped with the...
Learn moreEquipment
The Foundation raises monies to buy the equipment officers need to perform their duties safely. Even small items such as weather appropriate...
Learn moreYouth Outreach
The Foundation supports such programs and activities that allow for children and juveniles to interact with peace officers and gain an...
Learn moreNevada Police Foundation Impact
Join Us. Support Our Officers.
The Nevada Police Foundation has been a huge blessing to troopers and officers in this state. Every year we are faced with tragedy and the Foundation has been there every time with financial assistance.
Thank you Nevada Police Foundation for giving me a load bearing vest. I've had it for two months now and it has helped significantly in reducing pain in my back and hips.
It is my goal to create and conduct high quality firearms training for State Troopers. The Foundation's donation of necessary equipment has greatly improved what I can do on the range.